file locked for writing

Dmitry Teslenko dteslenko at
Tue May 13 10:57:03 EDT 2008

I use some script in python 2.5 from vim editor (it has python
bindings) that updates some file
and then launches another program (ms visual studio, for example) to
do something with updated file.
I faced problem when updated file is locked for writing until vim
editor is closed.

launch vim -> update file -> launch msvc -> file locked
launch vim -> update file -> launch msvc -> close vim -> file locked
launch vim -> update file -> -> close vim -> launch msvc -> file okay

Update code is something like that:

	backup_file_name = '<some file name>'
	with open(backup_file_name, 'w') as backup_file:
		input = sax.make_parser()
		output = saxutils.XMLGenerator(backup_file, 'cp1252')
		filter = __vcproj_config_filter('<updated file name>', input, output)
		filter.parse('<updated file name>')
	shutil.copyfile(backup_file_name, '<updated file name>')

__vcproj_config_filter is a descent of a XMLFilterBase; it substitutes
some attributes in xml file and that's all.
must be noted that __vcproj_config_filter instance holds reference to
output (sax xml parser) object.

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