python interactive - threaded console (run -i)

castironpi at castironpi at
Tue Mar 11 17:53:47 EDT 2008

>         self._doneevents= {}

is extraneous.

>             id, fun, ar, kw= self.get()
   done, fun, ar, kw= self.get()


> def _draintilclose( conn, understandfun= None ):
>         if None is not understandfun:
>             understandfun( _curmsg )

   yield _curmsg

is an interesting synonym: the static interface.  Compare signatures:

   def _draingen( conn ):
       yield _curmsg

   def _draintilclose( sck, th ):
       for x in _draingen( sck ):
           th._print( x )

or in place of th._print, whatever function you passed to

The general case, pseudocode, consumer:

   def _draintilclose( conn, visitee ):
       for x in _draingen( conn ):
           x.visit( visitee )

   class Tool1Visitee:
      def typeA( self, arg ):
         tool1.listbox.add( arg )
      def typeB( self, arg ):
         tool1.combobox.add( arg )
   class Tool2Visitee:
      def typeA( self, arg ):
         tool2.icons.add( arg )
      def typeB( self, arg ):
         tool2.listbox.add( arg )


   class VisitorX:
      def visit( self, v ):
         v.typeA( self._attr ):
   class VisitorY:
      def visit( self, v ):
         v.typeB( self._attr ):


   def _draingen( conn ):
         _curvisitee= VisitorX( _curmsg )
         _curvisitee= VisitorY( _curmsg )
      yield _curvisitee


   th1Visitee= Tool1Visitee()
   new_thread( _draintilclose, conn1, th1Visitee )
   th2Visitee= Tool2Visitee()
   new_thread( _draintilclose, conn2, th2Visitee )

Tool1Visitor.typeA still just receives a byte array, but type
information comes with.  By that point, the 'message knows' that it's
in a Tool1Visitor, and that it's a typeA message, and so adds it to
tool1.listbox.  That puts just the right information in just the right
place... if it's the right time.  Or pass the visitee directly to
_draingen as fit, without the visitor or yields, as a callback

   def _draingen( conn, visitee ):
         visitee.typeA( _curmsg )
         visitee.typeB( _curmsg )

As a callback collection:

   tool1_ft= dict( typeA= tool1.listbox.add, typeB=
tool1.combobox.add )
   tool2_ft= dict( typeA= tool2.icons.add, typeB= too2.listbox.add )
   @new_threads( conn1, tool1_ft )
   @new_threads( conn2, tool2_ft )
   def _( conn, tool_ft ):
      for tp, msg in _draingen( conn, tool_ft ):
         tool_ft[ tp ]( msg )

using a generator, or directly without:

   tool1_ft= dict( typeA= tool1.listbox.add, typeB=
tool1.combobox.add )
   new_thread( _draintilclose, conn1, tool1_ft )
   tool2_ft= dict( typeA= tool2.icons.add, typeB= too2.listbox.add )
   new_thread( _draintilclose, conn2, tool2_ft )

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