Dispatch("Excel.Application") failed

lialie lialie at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 22:02:50 EDT 2008

    On Behalf Of John Machin

>     > > '\xce\xde\xd0\xa7\xb5\xc4\xc0\xe0\xb1\xf0\xd7\xd6\xb7\xfb\xb4\xae',
>     > > None, None)
    > Googling for 2147221005 gives some clues.
    > That string of hex stuff appears where an error message is 
    > expected -- it's not utf8, and makes no sense when I attempt 
    > to decode it with cp1250 to cp1258 inclusive. If you start 
    > IDLE and type:

    >>The hex stuff is Chinese. It appears to be a standard Windows
    error message.
    >>无效的类别字符串 (Which I believe meaans "invalid class string")

    >>I wrote in another post (that doesn't appear to have made it to
    the list)
    >>that the call to Dispatch on Excel will fail if the formula bar
    edit box is
    >>active. Just another idea.

    >>Ryan Ginstrom

I did try to google the question, but the answer wasn't properly. 
I am using Windows XP sp2 which language is Chinese simp. At first, I thought the hex string was coding in cp936 or utf8, then failed. second, try to run my script on the other computer, and it run well without any error! At last, I give up.After Windows Excel reinstalled, it work, but still confused.:(
The net speed is horribly slow when connect to Pywin32 project at SF.


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