Timed execution in eval

castironpi at gmail.com castironpi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 16:15:04 EST 2008

On Mar 7, 10:12 am, alex.pedwyso... at gmail.com wrote:
> I have various bits of code I want to interpret and run at runtime in
> eval ...

import sys
from time import clock, sleep
from threading import Timer
TimeoutError= type('TimeoutError',(Exception,),{})

class Elapse:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.flag= False
    def set( self ):
        self.flag= True

def tr( frame, event, arg ):
    if elapse.flag:
        raise TimeoutError
    return tr

def sleeper():
    while 1:
        sleep( .3 )
        print( 'tick' )

def factercomp( n ):
    val= 1
    for i in range( 1, n ):
        val*= i
    return val

def facter( n ):
    print( factercomp( n ) )

def runit( f, *ar ):
    global elapse
    elapse= Elapse()
    t= Timer( 1, elapse.set )
    sys.settrace( tr )
        f( *ar )
    except TimeoutError:
        print( 'time elapse' )

runit( sleeper )
runit( facter, 10 )
runit( facter, 20 )
runit( facter, 10000 )
runit( facter, 100000 )

time elapse
time elapse
time elapse

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