Why """, not '''?

Dan Bishop danb_83 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 21:35:12 EST 2008

On Mar 5, 7:24 pm, Matt Nordhoff <mnordh... at mattnordhoff.com> wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > Surely it would depend on the type of text: pick up any random English
> > novel containing dialogue, and you're likely to find a couple of dozen
> > pairs of quotation marks per page, against a few apostrophes.
> That's an idea... Write a novel in Python docstrings.

Or better yet, write in Python syntax.

assert len([man for man in now_alive() if
man.remembers(datetime.date(1775, 4, 18))]) <= HARDLY

lantern_count = {'land': 1, 'sea': 2}.get(british.location(), 0)
n_ch_twr.hang(Lantern() for _ in xrange(lantern_count))

if lantern_count:
    for village in middlesex:

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