Thousand Seperator

Eddie Corns eddie at
Fri Mar 14 13:27:06 EDT 2008

ewanfisher at writes:

>I'm trying to find some code that will turn:

>100 -> 100
>1000 -> 1,000
>1000000 -> 1,000,000
>-1000 -> -1,000

>I know that can be done using a regular expression. In Perl I would do
>something like:

>sub thousand {
>        $number = reverse $_[0];
>        $number =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!d*\.)/$1,/g;
>        return scalar reverse $number;

>But I cannot find how to do this in Python.

Look at the locale module.  If you're producing the numbers yourself then they
get printed in that format otherwise you can convert them to numbers first.


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