Returning a byte buffer from C extension

forwardshortleg at forwardshortleg at
Wed Mar 5 19:42:10 EST 2008


I am new to Python programming. So, kindly excuse me if I don't use
correct terminology  here below.

I am trying to write an extension function that returns an array of
bytes as shown in the example below:

static PyObject* GetByteBuffer(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    char byteBuffer[100];

    // do something to fill byteBuffer with values.

   return Py_BuildValue("y", byteBuffer);

Is this valid? I get a run time error in Python 2.5 (actually 2.6) and
Python 3.0 returns null terminated byte string.
My byte buffer may contain one or more zeros and I want is the entire
buffer regardless of its contents. How do I do it?



P.S: I know that 2.6 & 3.0 are not meant for a newcomers like me.
Unfortunately 2.5.2 and older for windows are built using MSCVC 6.0
and they pose problems building extensions.

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