ord function problem from newbie

David.J.Anderson66 at gmail.com David.J.Anderson66 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 23:28:35 EDT 2008

I'm trying to convert a name into a numerical value that is not
consistent with ANSCII values. In my case, I convert all to lowercase,
then try to sum the value of the letters entered by the user, can't
get it to add them. Here is what I have. By the way, the values I need
to use is: a=1, b=2, c=3, etc... I'm trying to subtract 96 from the
ANSCII value, then total.

import string
def main():
	print "This program calculates the numeric value of a name with
	print "you could look up online as to what that value represents."
	# Get name to calculate
	name = raw_input("Please type a name: ")
	small = string.lower(name)
	print "Here is the calculated value:"

        print small
	for ch in small:
		v = ord(ch)-96
                print v


Looks like this:
This program calculates the numeric value of a name with which
you could look up online as to what that value represents.

Please type a name: David
Here is the calculated value:

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