naive packaging question

Scott Sharkey ssharkey at
Wed Mar 26 12:33:31 EDT 2008

Hello all,

I've read a number of the python books, and several online tutorials 
about modules and packaging, but not one addresses this issue, so I 
thought I'd ask here...

I am building a library for use in an internal project.  This library
is the client side interface to a REST-ful service that provides
access to parts of our accounting database.  BUT, we are pretty sure
that the accounting database and hence the service implementation will 
change in the future.

So, I want to design a generic (abstract) api for fetching various info 
from the accounting db, but I want to isolate the specific details into 
a module/package that can be changed in future (and co-exist with the 
old one).

I've designed a generic api class, with functions to fetch the various 
info into python data structures (mostly lists of dictionaries, some
just single values).  And I've got an interface-specific version that
follows that same api, and which is derived from the generic api.

I'm a bit unclear on the best way to implement the module and package.

Here's the directory structure that I've got so far:

project	<dir>			top level directory
   company <dir>			eventually, we'll have other modules			some classes that will be used in all			modules
     acctdb <dir>		the acct db interface directory			the abstract class def (derived from 						object)		the specific implementation, derived
				from the api base class

For arguments sake, let's call the base class (defined in
'BaseClass', and the specific implementation 'SpecificClass(BaseClass)'

So, in the acctdb/, do I do something like this:

    from company.acctdb.specific import SpecificClass as BaseClass

with the idea that at some point in the future I'd designate a
different class in some other way?

Hopefully this is enough info for you to see what I'm trying to 
accomplish.  It's a bit like the DB interfaces, where there is
a generic DB API, and then the different drivers to implement
that API (MySQL, etc).

Thanks for any suggestions!


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