Beta testers needed for a high performance Python application server

Damjan gdamjan at
Tue Mar 25 20:00:55 EDT 2008

>> I'm looking for beta testers for a high performance, event-driven Python
>> application server I've developed.
>> About the server: the front end and other speed-critical parts of the
>> server are written in portable, multithreaded C++. 
> Why not just put it on the net somewhere and tell us where it is?
> People aren't generally going to want to help or even look at it if
> you treat it like a proprietary application. So, put the documentation
> and code up somewhere for all to see.

> BTW, multiprocess web servers such as Apache can quite happily make
> use of multiple cores. Even within a single Apache multithread process
> it can still use multiple cores quite happily because all the
> underlying network code and static file handling code is in C and not
> subject to the GIL. So, as much as people like to bash up on the GIL,
> within Apache it is not necessarily as big a deal as people make out.

BTW nginx now has a mod_wsgi too, if someone is looking for an Apache


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