CSV variable seems to reset

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Jun 18 06:24:44 EDT 2008

marc wyburn wrote:
> Hi, I'm using the CSV module to parse a file using
> whitelistCSV_file = open("\\pathtoCSV\\whitelist.csv",'rb')
> whitelistCSV = csv.reader(whitelistCSV_file)
> for uname, dname, nname in whitelistCSV:
>           print uname, dname, nname
> The first time I run the for loop the contents of the file is
> displayed.  Subsequent attempts to run the for loop I don't get any
> data back and no exception.

That's because the csv reader object is an iterator. You're
consuming it as you run through it. If you want to keep hold
of the contents to run again (without reinitialising it) then
pull the data into a list and iterate over that as many times
as you like:

data = list (whitelistCSV)
for uname, dname, nname in data:
  # do stuff

for uname, dname, nname in data:
  # do stuff again


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