newbie question: for loop within for loop confusion

John Salerno johnjsal at
Tue Jun 17 17:49:43 EDT 2008

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:51:30 -0300, John Salerno <johnjsal at> escribió:
>> takayuki wrote:
>>> I'm early on in my python adventure so I'm not there yet on the strip
>>> command nuances.    I'm reading "How to think like a python
>>> programmer" first.  It's great.
>>> Then "Learning python".  I've read parts of Dive into Python and will
>>> work through it fully when I'm a little farther along.
>> Yeah, I really recommend Learning Python for getting the basics first.
>> It's very thorough in that regard. Dive Into Python is *not* for
>> beginners. I'm sorry if people disagree, but it's just not.
> Sure, the author himself says so at the very beginning in "Dive Into Python is a Python book for experienced programmers."

I know, but I just hear so many people recommend that book for people 
who want to learn the language.

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