boolian logic

Aidan aweraw at
Fri Jun 13 05:34:04 EDT 2008

marc wyburn wrote:
> HI all, I'm a bit stuck with how to work out boolian logic.
> I'd like to say if A is not equal to B, C or D:
>    do something.
> I've tried
> if not var == A or B or C:
> and various permutations but can't seem to get my head around it.  I'm
> pretty sure I need to know what is calulated first i.e the not or the
> 'OR/AND's
> thanks, Marc.

You mean like a ternary operation?

 >>> True and 1 or 0
 >>> False and 1 or 0

This of course depends on the 'true' result also being true.. it fails 
if it is false...

if that's not what you mean, then maybe this is what you want

if not var==A or not var==B or not var==C:
     # do something

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