Why does python not have a mechanism for data hiding?

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Wed Jun 4 20:11:08 EDT 2008

Ben Finney wrote:
> Roy Smith <roy at panix.com> writes:
>>The only externally visible interface is pushTheButton(), yet you
>>don't really want to call that during testing. What you do want to
>>do is test that a random city really does get picked.
> Then what you're really testing is the interactions of the "push the
> button" function with its external interface: you're asserting that
> the "push the red button" function actually uses the result from "pick
> a random city" as its target.
> Thus, the "pick a random city" function is being defined by you as
> *interface* for the "push the button" function. Interfaces do need to
> be unit tested.
> This is done by having the unit test substitute a test double for the
> "pick a random city" function, rigging that double so that its
> behaviour is deterministic, and asserting that the "push the button"
> function uses that deterministically-generated result.
> It's at this point, of course, that the "pick a random city" function
> has come rather close to being public API. The designer needs to have
> a fairly good reason not to simply expose the "pick a random city"
> function in the API.
>>You can do one of two things at this point. You can say, "But,
>>that's not part of the externally visible interface" and refuse to
>>test it, or you can figure out a way to test it. Up to you.
> Note that the only thing I'm saying one shouldn't do is unit test the
> private function *directly*, since the design decision has been made
> that it's not part of the API. The *behaviour* of the function, as
> exposed via the "push the button" piblic API, should certainly be unit
> tested.
> Any behaviour of that function that's *not* exhibited through the
> behaviour of some public API should *not* be unit tested, and should
> in fact be removed during refactoring -- which will not break the unit
> test suite since no unit tests depend on it.
> Alternatively, as above, the design decision can be made that, in
> fact, this function *is* part of the public API since external things
> are depending on it directly. Then it needs full direct unit test
> coverage.

I must be missing something in this discussion.  Perhaps it's the 
appropriate point of view.  At any rate, it seems to me that any and 
every function should be tested to ensure proper results.  It's my 
understanding that unit testing (a.k.a. PyUnit) is designed for just 
such a purpose.

So is this argument simply over *who* should be (unit) testing the 
internals?  I.e. The fellow that wrote the code library vs. the other 
fellow that wants to use the library?  Or is it actually, as it seems, 
over the internals being tested at all?

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