Named tuples and projection

Giuseppe Ottaviano giuott at
Fri Jun 20 12:36:39 EDT 2008

> [snip]
> Provided you don't change the order of the items in the tuple, you can
> just use slicing:
> a, b = f()[ : 2]

Yes, this is what you would normally do with tuples. But i find this  
syntax very implicit and awkward. Also, you cannot skip elements, so  
you often end up with things like
a, _, b = f()[:3]

The use case I posted is just the most recent that I stumbled upon.  
But often a project function would have saved me a lot of typing.  
Consider for example when named tuples are used for rows in an ORM (or  
attributes in XML):

for person in people:
	name, age, address = person['name age address']
	# code

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