can python do some kernel stuff?

Ivan Illarionov ivan.illarionov at
Wed Jun 4 12:06:42 EDT 2008

On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:41:07 -0500, Grant Edwards wrote:

>>> The answer is yes.  IPC and py-pf are examples.  If you don't think of
>>> packet filtering as kernel coding, I can understand. But clearly the
>>> Python interfaces to fork(), waitpid(), signal(), alarm() and so forth
>>> are forays into the once private garden of C.
> The routines listed above aren't in the kernel.  They're in libc just
> like routines such as printf, memcpy, etc.  The above libc routines do
> make system calls into the kernel to perform the desired functions, but
> those routines are not in the kernel, and calling them is certainly not
> "kernel coding".
> Yes, Python provides specific wrappers for many C library functions.
> Yes, the ctypes module provides a generic method for calling foreign
> library functions.
> No, using those wrappers is not what anybody I know would call "kernel
> coding".
>> Being able to call routines in the kernel is *not* the same as kernel
>> coding.
> As far as I know, Python doesn't provide the user with the ability to
> make system calls into the kernel.  Even if it did, that isn't really
> "kernel coding" either.  It's just making system calls.
>> Calling C routines is *not* the same as kernel coding. Actually writing
>> the routines that are to be called, and that constitute the kernel
>> itself, *is* kernel coding. And as wonderful as Python is, it is *not*
>> for kernel coding.
>> Having just looked at Py-PF, it is *managing* the firewall, not
>> implementing it.  Again, not kernel coding.
> Didn't somebody once demonstrate how to put a VM into kernel space so
> that you could write kernel code in Python?  Maybe it was just a
> discussion about how it could be done in theory.
> There have been a few JVM-in-hardware projects, so I suppose you could
> use Jython to write kernel code for those machines.

I can't understand why somebody might want to do kernel stuff in Python.
It's a *high level language*. It's for high level stuff.

OTOH Python can be easily extended to get as close to the kernel as 
anyone may ever need.

I decided to change my "hello world" post to use Linux system call 
instead of printf. 

#include <Python.h>

hello(PyObject* self)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__) && defined(__linux__)
    const char * hello_str = "Hello world (Linux system call)!\n";
    int hello_len = 33;
    asm __volatile__(
        "push   %%ebx;"
        "movl   $4,  %%eax;" /* The system call for write (sys_write) */
        "movl   $1,  %%ebx;" /* File descriptor 1 - standard output */
        "int    $0x80;"
        "pop    %%ebx;"
        : /* no outputs */
        : "c" (hello_str), "d" (hello_len) /* input */
    printf("Hello world!\n");

static PyMethodDef functions[] = {
    {"hello",    (PyCFunction)hello, METH_NOARGS},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},

    Py_InitModule("_hello", functions);

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Apr 21 2008, 11:12:42) 
[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from _hello import hello
>>> hello()
Hello world (Linux system call)!

I'm in the mood to write "Hello world" programs today ;)


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