advanced listcomprehenions?

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Jun 19 08:54:31 EDT 2008

Mark Wooding <mdw at> wrote:

> This is still inelegant, though.  We can glue the results mod 3 and 5
> together using the Chinese Remainder Theorem and working mod 15
> instead.  For example,
>   [['Fizz', 'FizzBuzz', False, None, 'Buzz'][(pow(i, 4, 15) + 1)%7] or
>    str(i) for i in xrange(1, 101)]
> (A less mathematical approach would just use i%15 to index a table.  But
> that's not interesting. ;-) )

Ooh. Doesn't having 5 elements make you shudder? (Even though you did 
change one to avoid a repeated value.) You have 4 options for output, so 
for elegance that list should also have 4 elements:

[[str(i), 'FizzBuzz', 'Fizz', 'Buzz'][25/(pow(i, 4, 15) + 1)%4] for i in 
xrange(1, 101)]

I feel it is even more elegant with the lookup table in its natural order:

[['Fizz', 'Buzz', 'FizzBuzz', str(i)][62/(pow(i, 4, 15) + 1)%4] for i in 
xrange(1, 101)]


Duncan Booth

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