Comments on my first script?

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Fri Jun 13 04:19:38 EDT 2008

Phillip B Oldham a écrit :
> I'm keen on learning python, with a heavy lean on doing things the
> "pythonic" way, so threw the following script together in a few hours
> as a first-attempt in programming python.
> I'd like the community's thoughts/comments on what I've done;
> improvements I can make, "don'ts" I should be avoiding, etc. I'm not
> so much bothered about the resulting data - for the moment it meets my
> needs. But any comment is welcome!

Ok, since you asked for it, let's go:

> #!/usr/bin/env python
> ## Open a file containing a list of domains (1 per line),
> ## request and parse it's whois record and push to a csv
> ## file.
> import subprocess
> import re
> src = open('./domains.txt')
> dest = open('./whois.csv', 'w');

Might be better to allow the user to pass source and destination as 
arguments, defaulting to stdin and stdout.

Also, you may want to have a look at the csv module in the stdlib.

> sep = "|"
> headers = ["Domain","Registrant","Registrant's
> Address","Registrar","Registrant Type","Date Registered","Renewal
> Date","Last Updated","Name Servers"]

> dest.write(sep.join(headers)+"\n")

> def trim( txt ):
> 	x = []
> 	for line in txt.split("\n"):
> 		if line.strip() == "":
> 			continue
> 		if line.strip().startswith('WHOIS'):
> 			continue
> 		if line.strip().startswith('>>>'):
> 			continue
> 		if line.strip().startswith('%'):
> 			continue
> 		if line.startswith("--"):
> 			return ''.join(x)
> 		x.append(" "+line)
> 	return "\n".join(x)

You're doing way to may calls to line.strip(). Call it once and store 
the result.

def trim_test(line):
     line = line.strip()
     if not line:
         return False
     for test in ("WHOIS", ">>>", "%",):
         if line.startswith(test):
             return False
     return True

def trim(txt):
     lines = []
     for line in txt.split.splitlines():
         if trim_test(line):
             if line.starstwith("--"):
                 return "".join(lines)
             lines.append(" " + line)
     return "\n".join(lines)

> def clean( txt ):
> 	x = []
> 	isok = re.compile("^\s?([^:]+): ").match

Would be better to extract the regex compilation out of the function.

> 	for line in txt.split("\n"):
> 		match = isok(line)
> 		if not match:
> 			continue
> 		x.append(line)

If you don't use the match object itself, don't ever bother to bind it:

     for line in txt.split("\n"):
         if not isok(line):

Then, you may find the intent and flow most obvious if you get rid of 
the double negation (the not and the continue):

     for line in txt.splitlines():
         if isok(line):

which is easy to rewrite as a either a list comprehension:

     x = [line for line in txt.splitlines() if isok(line)]

or in a more lispish/functional style:

    x = filter(isok, txt.splitlines())

In both way, you now can get rid of the binding to 'x' (a very bad name 
for a list of lines BTW - what about something more explicit, like 
'lines' ?)

> 	return "\n".join(x);

isok = re.compile("^\s?([^:]+): ").match

def clean(txt):
     return "\n".join(filter(isok, txt.splitlines()))

> def clean_co_uk( rec ):
> 	rec = rec.replace('Company number:', 'Company number -')
> 	rec = rec.replace("\n\n", "\n")

Given the following, this above statement is useless.

> 	rec = rec.replace("\n", "")

> 	rec = rec.replace(": ", ":\n")
> 	rec = re.sub("([^(][a-zA-Z']+\s?[a-zA-Z]*:\n)", "\n\g<0>", rec)
> 	rec = rec.replace(":\n", ": ")
> 	rec = re.sub("^[ ]+\n", "", rec)

All this could probably be simplified.

> 	return rec
> def clean_net( rec ):
> 	rec = rec.replace("\n\n", "\n")
> 	rec = rec.replace("\n", "")
> 	rec = rec.replace(": ", ":\n")
> 	rec = re.sub("([a-zA-Z']+\s?[a-zA-Z]*:\n)", "\n\g<0>", rec)
> 	rec = rec.replace(":\n", ": ")
> 	return rec


> def clean_info( rec ):
> 	x = []
> 	for line in rec.split("\n"):
> 		x.append(re.sub("^([^:]+):", "\g<0> ", line))
> 	return "\n".join(x)
> def record(domain, record):
> 	details = ['','','','','','','','','']

     details = [''] * 9

> 	for k, v in record.items():
> 		try:
> 			details[0] = domain.lower()
> 			result = {
> 				"registrant": lambda: 1,
> 				"registrant name": lambda: 1,
> 				"registrant type": lambda: 4,
> 				"registrant's address": lambda: 2,
> 				"registrant address1": lambda: 2,
> 				"registrar": lambda: 3,
> 				"sponsoring registrar": lambda: 3,
> 				"registered on": lambda: 5,
> 				"registered": lambda: 5,
> 				"domain registeration date": lambda: 5,
> 				"renewal date": lambda: 6,
> 				"last updated": lambda: 7,
> 				"domain last updated date": lambda: 7,
> 				"name servers": lambda: 8,
> 				"name server": lambda: 8,
> 				"nameservers": lambda: 8,
> 				"updated date": lambda: 7,
> 				"creation date": lambda: 5,
> 				"expiration date": lambda: 6,
> 				"domain expiration date": lambda: 6,
> 				"administrative contact": lambda: 2
> 			}[k.lower()]()

Ok, let's summarize. On each iteration, you define a dict with the very 
same 21 key:value pairs. Isn't it a bit wasteful ? What about defining 
the dict only once, outside the function ?

Also, the values in the dict are constant functions. Why not just use 
the constant results of the functions then ? I mean : what's wrong with 
just :

   "registrant": 1,
   "registrant name": 1,
   "registrant type": 4,

> 			if v != '':
> 				details[result] = v

As an icing on the cake, you build this whole dict, look up a function 
in it, an call the function *before* you even decide if you need that 

> 		except:
 > 			continue

Friendly advice : *never* use a bare except clause that discards the 
exception. Never ever do that.

Your except clause here should specifically catch KeyError. But anyway 
you don't ever need to worry about exceptions here, you just have to use 
dict.get(key, default) instead.

   "registrant": 1,
   "registrant name": 1,
   "registrant type": 4,
   "registrant's address": 2,

def record(domain, rec):
     details = [domain.lower()] + [''] * 8
     for k, v in record.items():
         if v:
             pos = FIELDS_POSITIONS.get(k.lower(), None)
             if pos is not None:
                 details[pos] = v

     # I'm leaving this here, but I'd personnaly split the
     # two unrelated concerns of formatting the record and
     # writing it somewhere.


> ## Loop through domains
> for domain in src:
> 	domain = domain.strip()
> 	if domain == '':
> 		continue
> 	rec = subprocess.Popen(["whois",domain],
> stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
> 	if rec.startswith("No whois server") == True:
> 		continue
> 	if rec.startswith("This TLD has no whois server") == True:
> 		continue
> 	rec = trim(rec)
> 	if domain.endswith(".net"):
> 		rec = clean_net(rec)
> 	if domain.endswith(".com"):
> 		rec = clean_net(rec)
> 	if domain.endswith(".tv"):
> 		rec = clean_net(rec)
> 	if domain.endswith(""):
> 		rec = clean_co_uk(rec)
> 	if domain.endswith(".info"):
> 		rec = clean_info(rec)

Since the domain is very unlikely to match more than one test, at least 
use if/elif/.../else to avoid redundant useless tests.

Now *this* would have been a good use of a dict of functions:

    '.net' : clean_net,
    '.com' : clean_com,
    '.tv'  : clean_net,
    '.uk'  : clean_co_uk,

for domain in rec:
    # code here
    ext = domain.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
    cleaner = REC_CLEANERS.get(ext, None)
    if cleaner:
        rec = cleaner(rec)

> 	rec = clean(rec)
> 	details = {}
> 	try:
> 		for line in rec.split("\n"):
> 			bits = line.split(': ')
> 			a = bits.pop(0)
> 			b = bits.pop(0)

if you expect only one ': ', then:
                         a, b = line.split(': ')

if you can have many but don't care about the others:
                        bits = line.split(': ')
                        a, b = bits[0], bits[1]

> 			details[a.strip()] = b.strip().replace("\t", ", ")
> 	except:

cf above. Please, *don't* do that.

> 		continue
> 	record(domain, details)
> ## Cleanup
> src.close()
> dest.close()

There are other possible improvements of course. Like:

- putting the main loop in it's own function taking source and dest (two 
opened (resp in 'r' and 'w' mode) filelike objects)
- conditionnally call it from the top-level *if* the script has been 
called as a script (vs imported as a module) so you can reuse this code 
from another script.

The test is:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # has been called as a script
    # has been imported


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