Beginner's Python development questions

Victor Noagbodji noagbodjivictor at
Sat Jun 28 14:07:26 EDT 2008

From: "Łukasz Dąbek" <sznurek at>
>I'm newcomer to Python development and I have some questions (I didn't
>found answers for these):

Hi welcome.

>1. Some bugs at are assigned but it didn't changed
>for many months (example: Is
>that bugs closed (maybe somebody forgot to close it on website?), work
>in progress or other?
Well, I wasn't aware of this bug but I read the commentaries. It seems like
people share different view on whether it's critical, should be applied to
Python 2.5 or 2.4 and older etc...

This is in my opinion why it's still open. And remember that if someone
marks a bug fixed, somebody else can reopen it.

This shouldn't prevent you from using Python though.

>2. Is Python 2.5 still developed?
Python is an always moving project. Python 2.6 and the coming Python 3
will change many things. If you happen to have the book 'Learning Python',
there is a list of all these changes. These changes are usually requested
by users.

But it makes no sense to start learning Python 3 at this moment. You can
code scripts in Python 2.5 that will not break; you just have to avoid things
that will be deprecated.

>3. Is this good mailing list for such questions?
Of course.

>Sorry for my English - it isn't my native language :)
>Greetings, Łukasz.
No problemo.

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