Does the python library of Google Data API is truly free?

Kless jonas.esp at
Wed Jun 11 09:28:55 EDT 2008

I understand very well that a service is a software which is accessed
through a network.

And the description given on Wikipedia [1] is "A 'Web service' (also
Web Service) is defined by the W3C as "a software system designed to
support interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a network."

Now, to ending with this. I understand that (almos) everybody is pro
Google (and anti Microsoft), thinking that they have given a lot of
services for free. And it's very hard that people understand my

All that "free service" has a great price, that are the rights
about those data, and when Google want can to disable the free access
to that information.

People don't realize that it's one more a company and like so it has
only an end, that is to obtain the greater number of benefits which
will be distributed between his shareholders. Within any years Google
will be as hated as Microsoft.

At least I try to use the less possible those services than limit my
freedoms about data that has been contributed by me and another users.


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