Bind compiled code to name?

Karlo Lozovina _karlo_ at _mosor.net_
Sun Jun 22 14:12:00 EDT 2008

If string `source_code` contains Python source code, how can I execute 
that code, and bind it to some name? I tried compiling with: 

    code_object = compile(source_code, 'errorfile', 'exec')

but then what to do with `code_object`?

If my intentions aren't that clear, this is what I'm trying to do. I want 
to emulate this:

   import some_module as some_name

but with my code in `some_module` string, and not in file.


 _______                                        Karlo Lozovina - Mosor
|   |   |.-----.-----.     web: || ICQ#: 10667163
|       ||  _  |  _  |             Parce mihi domine quia Dalmata sum.

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