Adding functions to an existing instance

Allen brian_vanderburg2 at
Thu Jun 26 11:18:08 EDT 2008

I need a way to add a method to an existing instance, but be as close as 
possible to normal instance methods.  Using 'new' module or such code as 
'def addfunc(...): def helper(...) .. setattr(...)' causes a cyclic 
reference which requires using 'gc.collect' to release the object.  Also 
'new' is deprecated.  I also made a helper that uses weakref, but the 
problem is when the object is gone, existing instance method object 
would not work:

f = myobject.function
myobject = None
f() <--- would not work if it holds weak ref to myobject

The best I can come up with is to create a parent class and try to 
simulate as best as possible.  The code below works with no cyclic 
references that would be cause by 'new.instancemethod' etc, and without 
the weakref as well.  Is there a simpler way of achieving the same 
without cyclic references?  I know this is 'monkey patching' but for a 
small project I'm working on it is useful to be able to add functions 
dynamically to one instance without adding it to another instance of the 
same class, etc.

class InstanceFunctionHelper(object):
     class FunctionCaller(object):
         def __init__(self, instance, func):
             self.__instance = instance
             self.__func = func

         def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
             return self.__func(self.__instance, *args, **kwargs)

     def add_instance_function(self, func, name = None):
         if name is None:
             name = func.__name__

         if hasattr(self, name):
             delattr(self, name)

             self._instance_funcs[name] = func
         except AttributeError:
             self._instance_funcs = {name: func}

     def __setattr__(self, name, value):
         funcs = getattr(self, '_instance_funcs', None)
         if funcs and name in funcs:
             del funcs[name]

         object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

     def __delattr__(self, name):
         funcs = getattr(self, '_instance_funcs', None)
         if funcs and name in funcs:
             del funcs[name]
             object.__delattr__(self, name)

     def __getattr__(self, name):
         if name == '_instance_funcs':
             raise AttributeError

         funcs = object.__getattribute__(self, '_instance_funcs')

         if name in funcs:
             return InstanceFunctionHelper.FunctionCaller(self, funcs[name])

         raise AttributeError

x = 0
class Blah(InstanceFunctionHelper):
     def __init__(self):
         global x
         x += 1
     def __del__(self):
         global x
         x -= 1

def Action(self, value):
     print self
     print value

a = Blah()
a = None
print x

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