[Re] Checking each item in m.group()?

nospam@nospam.com Gilles at
Mon Jun 2 14:42:16 EDT 2008


I need to go through each line of a CSV file, and extract some fields
using a regex. Then, I need to check each retrieved field, and if it
looks like "", turn this into NULL so that it's correct SQL.

I tried a few things, but still can't it working:
#Second field might be empty -> ""
p = re.compile('^"(.+?)","(.*?)"$')

for line in textlines:
	m = p.search(line)
	if m:
		#Check each column : if '', then turn into NULL

		for col in line:
			if col == "":
				col = "NULL"

		for col in m.group():
			if col == "":

		for col in m.group(0):
			if col == "":

		for i in range (0,len(line)):
			if line[i] == "":

		for i in range(1,len(m.group(0))):
			if m.group(i) == "":
		sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (col1, col2) VALUES
('%s','%s')" % (m.group(1),m.group(2))
		print sql

Does someone know the correct syntax?

Thank you.

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