TypeError with date class

Dummy Pythonese Luser tryacct at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 09:24:31 EDT 2008

Greetings *.*:

The following program caused an error and puzzled me to no end. Any help
immensely appreciated.


- Yet Another Dummy Python User

(Python version:
  Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32

from datetime import date


class First(date):
  def __init__(self, y, m, d):
    date.__init__(self, y, m, d)

class Second(First):
  def __init__(self, datestr):
    y = int(datestr[0:4])
    m = int(datestr[4:6])
    d = int(datestr[6:8])
    First.__init__(self, y, m, d)


class One(object):
  def __init__(self, y, m, d):
    self.y = y
    self.m = m
    self.d = d

class Two(One):
  def __init__(self, datestr):
    y = int(datestr[0:4])
    m = int(datestr[4:6])
    d = int(datestr[6:8])
    One.__init__(self, y, m, d)

# Do this and you get an error:
#     a = Second("20060201")
# TypeError: function takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)
# Why?

a = Second("20060201")
print a

# By comparison, do this and there's no error.

b = Two("20060301")

print b
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