For_loops hurt my brain.

bsagert at bsagert at
Wed Jul 16 13:42:18 EDT 2008

This script uses a simple for loop to zip some files. However I am
repeating code that cries out for a nested loop. My two lists of
files_to_be_zipped (spare and seekfacts) are of uneven length so I
can't seem to decipher the "for_logic". I would appreciate any help.
Thanks, Bill

import zipfile
import os

zips = [
spare = [
seekfacts = [

zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[0], 'w')
for files in spare:
	zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[1], 'w')
for files in seekfacts:
	zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

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