Some Berkeley DB questions (being maintained? queries?)

Terry Jones terry at
Thu Jan 17 21:45:23 EST 2008

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Smith <brian at> writes:
Brian> HerbAsher at wrote:

>> 2. Are there good python libraries for bdb available, that 
>> are being maintained?

Brian> I would like to know the answer to this question too--if you have
Brian> used the pybsddb/bsddb.db module, please share your experience.

I used it a little in mid-2006. I ran into one issue that I resolved by
looking at the C source and fiddling with the Python interface. I sent mail
to the people mentioned in the bsddb README file. One (Barry Warsaw)
answered to say he hadn't looked at the code in a couple of years and was
probably not the person to contact.

>> 4. What are good, stable alternatives?

>From memory, the Chandler project also has an interface to BSD DB, but I
don't remember any details at all.

I'm also interested in any ongoing or planned work on the Python interface.


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