fastest method to choose a random element

ajaksu ajaksu at
Sat Jan 5 11:57:35 EST 2008

Hi there :)

On Jan 5, 2:14 pm, c... at wrote:
> On Jan 5, 5:07 pm, c... at wrote:
> > Hello, Paul and Arnaud.
> > While I think about your answers: do you think there is any way to
> > avoid shuffle?
> > It may take unnecessary long on a long list most of whose elements
> > have the property.

I've been thinking about this one before you asked and only got a bad
solution: you don't need to shuffle the list if you can construct a
random list of indexes to loop through, but my timings show that I
can't do that faster than "shuffle(range(x))" for worst cases (i.e.,
iterate thru the whole list) :)

The rather good news is that shuffling a list of arbitrary objects is
pretty fast (as compared to a list of integers).

OTOH, if you do know that the chances are high enough, you can try
choosing items randomly without substitution (adapted from's

from random import random

def randpickuntil(lst, prop=bool):
    selected = set()
    for i in xrange(len(lst)):
        j = int(random() * n)
        while j in selected:
                j = int(random() * n)
        if prop(lst[j]):
            return lst[j]

> Umm...
> You provide nice answers in the case many elements are picked from the
> same list.
> Any ideas for the case when the picker is called many times on a
> program, but never twice with the same list?

If the lists share items, a cache could help a lot. Otherwise, you'd
benefit more from finding a good way to test the property (could you
give a hint on what it is?). How do objects acquire that property, is
it a sum of independent factors?


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