isgenerator(...) - anywhere to be found?

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at
Tue Jan 22 08:42:33 EST 2008

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:20:35 +0100, "Diez B. Roggisch" <deets at> wrote:
>For a simple greenlet/tasklet/microthreading experiment I found myself in
>the need to ask the question
>but didn't find any implementation in the usual suspects - builtins or
>I was able to help myself out with a simple (out of my head, hope its
>def isgenerator(v):
>    def _g(): yield
>    return type(v) == type(_g())
>But I wonder why there is no such method already available?

Why do you need a special case for generators?  If you just pass the
object in question to iter(), instead, then you'll either get back
something that you can iterate over, or you'll get an exception for
things that aren't iterable.


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