validate string is valid maths

Steven D'Aprano steve at
Mon Jan 28 10:43:10 EST 2008

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:10:54 +0000, Matthew_WARREN wrote:

> Hi pythoners.
> I am generating strings of length n, randomly from the symbols
> +-/*0123456789
> What would be the 'sensible' way of transforming the string, for example
> changing '3++++++8' into 3+8

That's easy: replace pairs of + into a single +, repeatedly until there's 
nothing left to replace. And so forth. Here's an untested function. It's 
probably not even close to optimal, but for playing around it is probably 

def rationalise_signs(s):
    while "++" in s or "+-" in s or "-+" in s or "--" in s:
        s = s.replace("++", "+")
        s = s.replace("--", "+")
        s = s.replace("+-", "-")
        s = s.replace("-+", "-")
    return s

> or '3++--*-9' into '3+-9' such that  eval(string) will always return a
> number?
> in cases where multiple symbols conflict in meaning (as '3++--*-9' the
> earliest valid symbols in the sequence should be preserved

You have four symbols, so there are just 4*4=16 sets of two symbols. 
Probably the easiest way is to just list them and their replacements out 
in a table:

table = {"++": "+", "+-": "-", "+*": "+", "+/": "+", 
    "-+": "-", "--": "+", "-*": "-", "-/": "-", 
    "*+": "*", "**": "*", "*/": "*", 
    "/+": "/", "/*": "/", "//": "/", }

Notice that both *- and /- don't get changed.

# Untested.
def rationalise_signs(s):
    prev = ''
    while s != prev:
        prev = s
        for key, value in table.items():
            s = s.replace(key, value)
    return s


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