Module/package hierarchy and its separation from file structure

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at
Wed Jan 30 18:04:47 EST 2008

> It what sense will it not be? Why do you care so much about where the 
> source code for Monkey is defined? If you actually want to read the 
> source, you might need to follow the chain from "animal", see that Monkey 
> is imported from "monkey", and go look at that. But the rest of the time, 
> why would you care?
> There is a very good reason to care *in practice*: if there is code out 
> there that assumes that the source code from Monkey is in the file it was 
> found in. In practice, you might be stuck needing to work around that. 
> But that's not a good reason to care *in principle*. In principle, the 
> actual location of the source code should be an implementation detail of 
> which we care nothing. It's possible that the source for Monkey doesn't 

Exactly. I *DON'T* want anything to depend on the physical location on disk.
That was exactly what I was after from the beginning; a total separation of
location on disk from the location in the module hiearachy. As you say, the
location of the source should be an implementation detail. That is exactly
what I am after.

I'll have a closer look at the suggested practice of modifying __module__.

For this particular use case we probably won't end up doing that, but it
may come to be useful in the future.

/ Peter Schuller

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