Python Standardization: Wikipedia entry

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Tue Jan 29 04:26:22 EST 2008

"Roy Smith" <roy at> wrote in message 
news:roy-3C105C.23015128012008 at
| But, surely Python has plenty of "implementation defined" aspects.
| Especially in the libraries.

I personally do not consider the libraries as part of the language (as 
opposed to the distribution) and was not referring to them.  The semantics 
of the syntax is pretty tightly defined.  The main exception is floating 
point, which is a nuisance.  Which is why one implementation aspect thereof 
is being standardized in the next version.

| Especially those parts of the libraries which
| are thin layers on top of operating system services (os and socket come 
| mind as two highly variable areas).

I am sure that sockets are not part of the C89 standard.  Hence the high 
variability.  (I don't know about the newer C standard).   I would expect 
that makes the variability no worse and presume that it masks at 
least a bit of it.  Ditto for some os services.


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