Python Frontend/GUI for C Program

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Fri Jan 11 11:16:13 EST 2008

byte8bits at schrieb:
> I have a C program that works very well. However, being C it has no
> GUI. Input and Output are stdin and stdout... works great from a
> terminal. Just wondering, has anyone every written a Python GUI for an
> existing C program? Any notes or documentation available?
> I have experience using wxPython from within Python apps and I like it
> a lot for its cross-platform capabilities. I was hoping to use
> wxPython for this as well.

Modules subprocess and pexpect (3rd-party-package) are your friends. 
Alternatively, if you have the source for the C-app, exposing it's 
functionality as DLL/SO and using ctypes as means to access it might 
work as well.


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