
Gary Herron gherron at islandtraining.com
Sun Jan 6 21:33:45 EST 2008

hkimball at eti-web.com wrote:
> I am having trouble with ctypes: i can load the third party dll, and
> gain access to the function but the function calls do not actually
> perform their intended purpose.  I have tried this in both interactive
> mode and from a saved script.  I know that is a somewhat vague
> description but any help would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks
> harold kimball
It is too vague to give any help other than:  Read the documentation,
and search for and follow examples.  That worked for me in my recent
(and first) attempt a accessing a dll via ctypes.

If you can be more specific about your problem and how it fails, then
perhaps you'll get more specific answers.

Also, please read this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Gary Herron

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