Operator overloading

Hexamorph hexamorph at gmx.net
Fri Jan 25 15:52:24 EST 2008

MartinRinehart at gmail.com wrote:
> Hexamorph wrote:
>> You mean you want the ability to change for example the + operator
>> for ints to something like calculating the cosine instead of doing
>> addition?
> Sure. Cosines are a monadic operation and the monadic '+' is a NOP, so
> why shouldn't I define +45 to return cosine of 45, (presuming I needed
> lots of cosines). I'd even let you define your own operators. Lots of
> programmers really liked '++' and '--', for examples.

Well, OK, the cosine example was badly chosen (it would still be 
very wired in terms of common syntax and semantics), but I think you 
got my point. Changing internal behaviour mostly causes more trouble 
as it's worth.

In the end, you probably can access the parser to do this.

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