Increment Variable Name

David Brochu brochu121 at
Wed Jan 23 20:09:36 EST 2008

Basically what I am trying to do is pass each value from a list to  
the following line of code (where XXX is where I need to pass each  
value of the list

tests = easygui.multchoicebox(message="Pick the test(s) you would  
like to run from the list below."
	, title="Validation Tests"

If i were to manually pass values to this line it would appear like :
tests = easygui.multchoicebox(message="Pick the test(s) you would  
like to run from the list below."
	, title="Validation Tests"
	,choices=["Test 1","Test 2", "Test 3"])

When I actually pass the list to the line of code, it works, however  
it doesn't really split the list by element. The desired output of  
this line of code would be a GUi that included a list consisting of  
each element from the passed list. Right now I can only get it to  
consist of a single element that contains every part of the list.

Does this make sense?
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