Replace stop words (remove words from a string)

BerlinBrown berlin.brown at
Thu Jan 17 03:25:02 EST 2008

if I have an array of "stop" words, and I want to replace those values
with something else; in a string, how would I go about doing this.  I
have this code that splits the string and then does a difference but I
think there is an easier approach:


mystr =

if I have an array stop_list = [ "[BAD]", "[BAD2]" ]

I want to replace the values in that list with a zero length string.

I had this before, but I don't want to use this approach; I don't want
to use the split.

line_list = line.lower().split()
res = list(set(keywords_list).difference(set(ENTITY_IGNORE_LIST)))

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