list property fires get on append

Carl Banks pavlovevidence at
Sun Jan 6 11:36:57 EST 2008

On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 00:31:13 -0800, Soviut wrote:
> I figured that an append would be treated as a set since I'm adding to
> the list.  But what you say makes sense, although I can't say I'm happy
> with the behaviour.  Is there any way I can get the append to fire a
> set?  I'm thinking of properties from my C# background where i believe
> that manipulation such this would be considered a set.

You'd have to have to hook into the container object itself to detect the 
modification.  This might be pretty workable for you since it's an 
internal object.  Basically, instead of using a list, use a special list-
like object that notifies it's owner when it changes.  Here's a simple 
example to point you in the right direction:

class NotifierList(list):
     def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
         self.watchers = []
     def add_watcher(self,watcher):
     def _notify_watchers(self):
         for watcher in self.watchers:
     def append(self,value):
     # override all other mutating calls, including __setitem__
     # left as exercise

class Hierarchy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = NotifierList()
    def object_changed(self,obj):
        print "self.children modified"
    # no need to make children a property then
    # unless you want to trap rebinding it to new object also

A couple other minor suggestions:

print is a statement, not a function.  You should write

print "GETTING"



The latter works, but it will cease to work if you want to print more 
than one thing.  Note that print is scheduled to become a function in 
Python 3.0, but for now it's a statement.

Based on the name of your class and typical usage, I'm guessing that you 
probably want _children to be an instance attribute rather than a class 
attribute, so I redid it that way, but .)

P.S. Is calling a method called "firing" in C#?

Carl Banks

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