Python's great, in a word

Basilisk96 basilisk96 at
Tue Jan 8 22:11:24 EST 2008

On Jan 7, 8:09 am, MartinRineh... at wrote:
> I'm a Java guy who's been doing Python for a month now and I'm
> convinced that
> 1) a multi-paradigm language is inherently better than a mono-paradigm
> language
> 2) Python writes like a talented figure skater skates.
> Would you Python old-timers try to agree on a word or two that
> completes:
> The best thing about Python is _______.
> Please, no laundry lists, just a word or two. I'm thinking "fluid" or
> "grace" but I'm not sure I've done enough to choose.

Here's a new word -
...its humanicity factor.

That definition, according to me, is:
"its ability to let you *quickly* formulate and solve your problem in
the way that YOU see it, not as the computer sees it."

Did programmers stop writing programs on punch cards because they ran
out of punch paper?


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