problem with 'global'

Mel mwilson at
Mon Jan 21 08:44:54 EST 2008

Duncan Booth wrote:
> Mel <mwilson at> wrote:
>> oyster wrote:
>>> why the following 2 prg give different results? is ok, but
>>> is 'undefiend a'
>>> I am using Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC
>>> v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>>> def run():
>>>         if 1==2:                # note, it always False
>>>         global a
>>>         a=1
>>> run()
>>> a
>>> def run():
>>>         a=1
>>> run()
>>> a
>> The docs seem to be in <> 
>> but don't look all that helpful.
> Why are you reading Python 2.4 docs? Try 
> The first sentence (which hasn't changed since 2.4) describing the global 
> statement seems clear enough to me: "The global statement is a declaration 
> which holds for the entire current code block."

I don't think that would stop the OP from thinking the global 
statement had to be executed.  In the code example, it seems to have 
been stuck in a

     if 1==2: global a

and it still worked.


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