InstallShield file properties issues

pakmarshal at pakmarshal at
Wed Jan 23 04:37:17 EST 2008


I am using Install Shield 11 express to create an upgrade package
(msi) and came across an issue i.e. when installer installs the
package it changes the created date of the files to modified date
(changes created date with modified date), in my situation the files
have modified date newer than the created date on source system and
which I want to retain on the target system. That date difference
helps me not to over write these files in next upgrade package. My
questions are why Install Shield is showing that behavior or is there
another reason for this? Is there any way to retain the created date,
originally the file has?

For this purpose I tested Install Shield's file properties options
i.e. "Use System Attributes" which is used as, file installed with the
same properties that it has on the development system, but it don't
seems to be working in my case.


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