wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP strangeness?

sigpoggy at hotmail.com sigpoggy at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 26 14:30:02 EST 2008

I am playing with wxPython on OS X 10.4.11 with MacPython 2.5

When running the demo program, the ShapeWindow demo does not close the
on right click. It turns out that the wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP does not fire.

I discovered that one way to get it to fire is to bind the
wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN event also.

Thus adding the following two lines solves the problem:

in __init__ add:  self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN,    self.OnRightDown)

secondly add:  def OnRightDown(self, evt): pass

Everything then works ok.

My question is: Is this how it is supposed to work, and if not, am I
the only one with
this problem?

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