Interesting Thread Gotcha

Hendrik van Rooyen mail at
Tue Jan 15 10:07:32 EST 2008

I thought I would share this nasty little gotcha with the group.

Consider the following code fragment:

print 'starting kbd thread'
keyboard_thread = thread.start_new_thread(kbd_driver (port_q,kbd_q))
print 'starting main loop'
error = Mainloop(s,port_q,active_q_list)

It produces, as output, the following:

starting kbd thread
we get here - a

It does not print 'starting main loop', the Mainloop routine
is never executed, and no exceptions are raised.

Here is the offending routine that seems to capture the control:

def kbd_driver(out_q,in_q):
    thread to look for keyboard input and to put it on the queue out_q
    also looks for replies on in_q and prints them

    kbdname = '/dev/stdin'

    kbd  = open(kbdname,'r+',1) # Reading, line buffered

    unblock(kbd)     # Call the magic to unblock keyboard
    print 'we get here - a'
    while True:

            d = kbd.readline()  # see if any kbd input
            except Queue.Empty:
            print msg
        d = d.rstrip()    # get rid of line feed
        out_q.put([d + '\r',in_q]) # add a carriage return and return q and send
to port

The unblock is a routine that unblocks a port using fcntl - it
is not the problem.  In case you don't believe me, here it is:

def unblock(f):
 """Given file 'f', sets its unblock flag to true."""

    fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)

I will post the solution tomorrow when I read my mail,
if no one has spotted it by then.

- Hendrik

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