Python setup not working on Windows XP

Gowri gowricp at
Mon Jan 7 05:38:51 EST 2008


I am new to Python and am trying to setup Apache to serve Python using
mod_python. I'm using a Windows XP box. here is a list of steps i
followed for the installation:

1. Installed Apache 2.2.6
2. Installed Python 2.5.1
3. Installed mod_python 3.3.1

I then included the line
LoadModule python_module modules/ in httpd.conf

I had this one line python file (print "Hello") in htdocs of Apache. i
then started Apache and it merely echoed my code print and all.

i did some reading and thought something might be wrong with my
sys.path. This is what it reads:
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', 'C:\\Python25\\DLLs', 'C:\
\Python25\\Lib', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\\plat-win', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\
\lib-tk', 'C:\\Python25', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\\site-packages'

Somebody had said this problem could be because of the .zip file at
the beginning of the path but I haven't been able to get rid of it or
solve my problem in any other way. My Apache error file has the

[Mon Jan 07 04:11:11 2008] [error] python_init: Python executable
found 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\bin\
[Mon Jan 07 04:11:11 2008] [error] python_init: Python path being used
\DLLs;C:\\Python25\\Lib\\lib-tk;;C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software
[Mon Jan 07 04:11:11 2008] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
mutexes based on 0 max processes and 250 max threads.

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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