COM server and EXE

Teja tejovathi.p at
Tue Jan 8 05:33:25 EST 2008

Hi All,

I have a Python COM server. I need to deploy it on various sytems.
When I run the COM server from
python its showing an output " Registered : sample.lib"

If I try to use the COM obj from a VB client like:

obj = CreateObject("sample.lib")

Its working fine without any errors

Now I am trying to convert this COM server to an exe through py2exe
and after I run the exe, I am
getting the same output " Registered : sample.lib"

But If I try to use the COM obj from a VB client like

obj = CreateObject("sample.lib")

A console pops up saying " Registered : sample.lib" and VB application
hangs there.
Its throwing a VB error that "ActiveX object cannot be
created......etc etc"

Any suggestions please.......


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