Error messages when using the Console Module

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Fri Feb 15 19:56:20 EST 2008

En Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:59:07 -0200, peter <peter.mosley at>  

> I am developing code using the effbot Console module, which gives
> control over the Windows terminal settings.  My problem is that while
> this module redirects standard output to a new console window, it
> seems to redirect standard error messages to a black hole.  So when my
> new code fails, I have no error messages to assist in diagnosing the
> problem.  At times I have been reduced to writing new code a line at a
> time!

The Console module doesn't redirect standard output, AFAIK. You can do  
that either from inside the script or when invoking it from the command  

import sys
sys.stdout = open("stdout.log","w")
sys.stderr = open("stderr.log","w")
print "This goes to stdout"
print >>sys.stderr, "This goes to stderr"


python >stdout.log 2>stderr.log

To redirect all output to the same file, you can use

sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open("output.log","w")

python >output.log 2>&1

The same applies to pythonw.exe too.

Gabriel Genellina

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