Official IRC channel for Python?

Guilherme Polo ggpolo at
Wed Feb 27 08:03:16 EST 2008

2008/2/27, js <ebgssth at>:
> > You can't join #python on freenode without identifying with nickserv
>  >  first.
> Why is that?
>  I can join #perl, #php, #ruby, #mysql, #postgres without registration.
>  What advantage does it have? and the advantage really worth?

The direct benefit is a probability of having less spam, and things
like that. Registering a nickname is pretty easy and don't bring you
problems, so I don't know why you wouldn't want to register one. The
benefit of registering your nickname is that other people won't be
able to use it to do something not so cool.

>  If #python were the developer's room, I'd say it's reasonable,
>  but that's not the case here.

Well, a lot of developers hang out there. Some are specifically python
developers and others works in other projects.

There is a rule of NO LOL there too, by the way. It is intended to be
a good channel for answering questions and getting good answers.

-- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

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