Script Running Time

Tim Chase python.list at
Thu Feb 21 14:19:53 EST 2008

> I am trying to find a way to output how long a script took to run.
> Obviously the print would go at the end of the script, so it would be
> the time up till that point. I also run a PostgreSQL query inside the
> script and would like to separately show how long the query took to
> run.
> Is this even possible?

Of course...depending on the resolution you need, you can do 
something like

   import datetime
   start_script =
   # do stuff
   start_postgresql =
   # make your PG call
   end_postgresql =
   # do remaining stuff
   end_script =
   pg_time_taken = end_postgresql - start_postgresql
   script_time_taken = end_script - start_script

You than have pg_time_taken and script_time_taken (which are 
timedelta objects) that you can use for whatever display purposes 
you need.

Alternatively, you can use time.clock()

   from time import clock
   # do stuff
   start_pg = clock()
   # do pg stuff
   end_pg = clock()
   # rest of script
   end_script = clock()
   print "Your script took %i seconds" % end_script
   print "Your PG took %i seconds" % (end_pg - start_pg)


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