GUI definition for web and desktop

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at
Sun Feb 3 09:26:16 EST 2008

On 3 Feb., 04:42, "Daniel Fetchinson" <fetchin... at>
> Hi pythoneans,
> I'm looking for a simple text based GUI definition format and
> associated python modules to work with it that is capable of defining
> simple GUI's for *both* the web and the desktop. I have an application
> that is accessible through the web and also through desktop
> applications and both clients should be presented a simple dialog GUI.

I'm not sure if this counts as simple but Adobe has specified MXML for
this purpose and there are competing technologies like XUL or XAML.
For the case of MXML Bruce Eckel wrote an article about combining Flex
and Python via XMLRPC a while ago on Artima. There are also new
directions like Adobe AIR and MS Silverlight ( or Mono Moonlight )
whereas the latter supports Python also as a scripting language on the
client side. I'd recommend to type "RIA" in your preferred search

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