__getattribute__ meta class?

Carl Banks pavlovevidence at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 07:00:29 EST 2008

On Feb 27, 12:44 am, "bambam" <da... at asdf.asdf> wrote:
> In retrospect, the project has three parts: remove
> side effects, push side effects to a common location, modify code so that
> changes only affect areas that encapsulate side effects.  This code allows
> top level code to pretend that the intermediate code has not changed.


Libraries that "helpfully" do things on behalf of the user strike
again, and the mess bambam posted is what you have to do to disable
these "helpful" effects.

I'll grant that it's possible that the library wasn't trying to be
helpful and was just indicriminately letting side effects loose.

Shame on the writer in any case.

Carl Banks

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