Does anyone else use this little idiom?

Jeff Schwab jeff at
Sat Feb 2 22:48:28 EST 2008

How miller.paul.w at wrote:
> Ruby has a neat little convenience when writing loops where you don't
> care about the loop index: you just do n.times do { ... some
> code ... } where n is an integer representing how many times you want
> to execute "some code."
> In Python, the direct translation of this is a for loop.  When the
> index doesn't matter to me, I tend to write it as:
> for _ in xrange (1,n):
>    some code
> An alternative way of indicating that you don't care about the loop
> index would be
> for dummy in xrange (1,n):
>    some code
> But I like using _ because it's only 1 character and communicates well
> the idea "I don't care about this variable."
> The only potential disadvantages I can see are threefold:
> 1. It might be a little jarring to people not used to it.  I do admit
> it looks pretty strange at first.
> 2. The variable _ has special meaning at the interactive interpreter
> prompt.  There may be some confusion because of this.
> 5.  Five is right out.  (ob Holy Grail reference, of course. :-)
> So, I guess I'm wondering if anyone else uses a similar idiom and if
> there are any downsides to it that I'm not aw

Would something like this be acceptable?  It still requires a loop 
variable, plus an extra line of code per loop, plus a one-time class 
definition (and import into each client module), and it's probably 
slower than "for dummy in range."  The syntax might be more inuitive 
than "dummy" or "_" in a for loop, though.

class Go:
     def __init__(self, count):
         self.count = count

     def again(self):
         if self.count <= 0:
             return False
         self.count -= 1
         return True

go = Go(3)
while go.again():
     print "hello"

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